Refunds and Returns
You may return new, unopened, product for a full refund, store credit, or exchange within 30 days of the order shipment date. The order shipment date and order notification are provided to you by email. All returns must be accompanied by a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number. See below for instructions.
RMA Procedure
When returning product to Dermisoft for any reason, you must first contact Dermisoft and obtain an RMA number. This can be initiated by calling (888) 377-9187.
After obtaining an RMA number from Dermisoft, you must send the product – shipping costs paid by customer unless return is due to Dermisoft error – to Dermisoft Inc. The Dermisoft RMA number must be prominently displayed on the outside of your package. If you send your product to Dermisoft without the RMA number prominently displayed on the outside of the package, it will delay the return or replacement process.
When returning our items, we ask all of our customers to make sure that it is being shipped in its original packaging (in a box), sent with a reliable shipper that can demonstrate proof of delivery and signature upon arrival has been requested. Dermisoft does not accept responsibility for any lost shipments unless proof of delivery to Dermisoft is provided.
Once your return is received and inspected (usually within 24 hours of receipt), we will process your refund or exchange (less the shipping costs, unless return is due to Dermisoft error) and it will be credited to your initial form of payment in the amount of the purchase price plus any applicable taxes.
International Orders
There are no returns on international orders.
UPS Policy
If UPS has made their final attempt to deliver your package, additional shipping charges will be applied for us to resend the package back to you.
There will be an additional UPS fee of $12 if incorrect information was supplied or there are changes to the order once it has been shipped.
Credit Card Refunds
It is important for you to know that depending on your credit card company it might take one to two billing cycles for the credit to appear on your credit card statement.
We will only ship to a Confirmed Address. If you would like an alternate address, add the address to your account. We may need to contact you with your PayPal specific email address.
For any other questions or comments regarding your return, please contact us at:
Toll Free: (888) 377-9187
Forward all returns to our address:
Dermisoft Inc.
P.O Box 1106
Sun Prairie, WI 53590