It is really quite simple. People with acne-prone skin should stop using their moisturizer if they want to put an end to the problem once and for all, right? Well, sorry to disappoint you but doing so may only complicate the problem. It may seem counterintuitive but you need to properly moisturize your skin if you want to address your acne issues. Yes, you heard it right. Acne skin moisturizing plays an extremely important role in getting rid of all those troublesome acne!
The Science Behind Acne Skin Moisturizing: How Moisturizers Help Control Acne
Most people were brought up to believe that applying moisturizer on acne-prone skin will only make the matter worse. However, skin care experts believe otherwise. They know that if you want to win in your fight against acne, you need to get rid of all those excess oil in your skin – and you can only do this by keeping your skin moisturized. Drying your skin by getting more sun and/or using alcohol-based products just won’t work. Instead, it will stimulate your sebaceous glands to produce more oil. Not a pretty thought, right?
Choosing the Best Moisturizer for Acne-Prone Skin
Moisturizers work wonders in controlling and treating acne. However, please be advised that not all moisturizers are created equal. If you want to see results, choose a product that won’t clog your pores. Ideally, your chosen moisturizer should contain glycerine and hyaluronic acid, and should not contain mineral oil, lanolin, cocoa butter and petrolatum which can irritate your skin and further aggravate your condition.
For best results, use The Ultimate Moroccan Argan Oil Hydrating Facial Mask to restore your skin’s moisture, keep it quenched and supple, and prevent moisture loss. This hydrating face mask is made from 30 certified premium skin care ingredients so you can look forward to getting spa-quality results in 20 minutes!
The Best Way to Fight Acne? Use Argan Oil!
Finally, you can now put an end to your acne problems! You deserve to look your best all day, every day so visit our website ( or follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to learn more about how argan oil can help keep your skin looking great.