
Moroccan Argan Oil

Find Your 2018 Hairstyle with Moroccan Argan Oil

12 January 2018

Moroccan Argan Oil: The Product You Need in 2018

Long, short, dyed, natural, curly—however you wear your hair, our next style either finds us, or we find it. The search for a new style can be annoying, awkward, or frustrating, but the end reward is beyond satisfying. Finally getting your new hairstyle nailed down is such a relief—plus, you can go anywhere with confidence knowing your hair is on-point. But how do you get to there? Moroccan argan oil will help your 2018 hairstyle come together. 

How Moroccan Argan Oil Can Help Different Hairstyles

Moroccan Argan OilBraids. What feels better than having nice, tight braids? Unfortunately, that feeling doesn’t last forever. Once your braids loosen up even the slightest bit, your beautiful braids will just a bit of frizz. This is where hydration through argan oil can help. Moisturizing is a helpful way to reduce frizziness and improve the overall health of your hair.

Pixies and bangs. The problem with a pixie cut is that it can clump together. By resting on your forehead, your bangs will get a little greasier than usual because of the natural oils your skin produces. Now, adding argan oil to your hair to make it less greasy might seem counterintuitive, but the natural hydrating properties of argan oil will add fullness to clumpy, flat bangs.

Moroccan Argan OilDyed. Whatever your reason for coloring your hair, you want it to look vibrant. If you have dyed hair, you’d think twice about dunking your hair in a pool or taking a long, relaxing shower with the heat cranked—anything to prevent the color from fading. If you want to make those worries non-issues, the Instant Repair Mask by ULTIMATE Moroccan Argan Oil® is just for you. Apply a hair mask one day before you dye your hair, use hair care products designed for color-treated hair, and deep condition your hair.

Natural. Curly, straight, long, and every style in between, Moroccan argan oil can help improve your hair for 2018. Whether you’re a wash-and-wear kind of person or you are an avid flat iron user, argan is not to be neglected. From lessening the damage of heat treatment to moisturizing your naturally beautiful locks, argan oil application is a must.

Get Your Ultimate Look in 2018

Whether you’re revamping your look or staying with a tried-and-true, ULTIMATE Moroccan Argan Oil® has what you need. From Moroccan argan oil treatments to shampoos and flat irons, achieve your ultimate look today with us. Visit our products page to see all we have to offer. We provide live customer service from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST, so contact us toll-free at 888-377-9187. For more on ULTIMATE Moroccan Argan Oil®, connect with us on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

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